Fed up with spending 30+ min on hold, or only getting basic information you could have googled yourself?
Try us out… Today!
No obligations, just up to 30min of the most responsive, in-depth employment advice in Australia, where we’ll examine your issue in detail and present you with every possible option. Of course, we’re hoping you’ll love our service so much you’ll become a client. But if you don’t, that’s ok too. We’ll have helped you out, and maybe you’ll think of us if you need HR support in the future.
Schedule A ChatOther HR advisory services exist, some are free (like Fair Work) and others may offer a free trial. We encourage you to try them out with the same workplace issue and compare their responsiveness and quality of advice to ours.
Fill out the form below and we’ll set you up with a Complimentary call to our regular Telephone Advisory Service (TAS) helpline..