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Casual conversion explained

In March this year, the Fair Work Amendment (Supporting Australia’s Jobs and Economic Recovery) Bill 2021 (Bill) passed Parliament. This Bill introduced a string of changes to casual employment, including providing a statutory mechanism for casual conversion.

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Casual employment laws are changing

Keeping across all the changes to employment law can be difficult for any business. We understand that casual conversion can be tricky and there are a few considerations to make when assessing your workforce. To help, our team at HR Assured has created an easy-to-follow checklist and flowchart to guide you through this process.

Make sure your business is prepared
Is your business impacted by these changes? The process of casual conversion is a time-consuming task, but employers must comply with the legislation. If your business isn’t using the right tools, it can be easy to make mistakes. This checklist will help you make the first step towards determining if your business needs to act.
Understanding the changes
These changes apply to national system employers, meaning that businesses with 15 or more employees are now required to make offers of casual conversion to eligible employees before the 27 September 2021. Small businesses, with less than 15 employees, are exempt from this legislation, but employees can still request it.